About Biyani Institute of Science & Management

 Biyani Institute of Science & Management (BISMA) is one of the key institute run by Biyani group of colleges with the mission & vision of women Empowerment through technical education ,BISMA has achieved important mile stone amongst B Schools in India. In the recent B school ranking by Times Group, BISMA jumped to 135 rank In India within a short apart of 5 years. BISMA got recognition from All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE), Govt of Rajasthan and affiliated to Rajasthan Technical University Kota. BISMA organizes Master of Business Administration, Master of Computer Applications and offers specialization in Finance , Marketing ,Human Resources & Information Technology.

One of the unique features of BISMA is preparation of reading material on almost all subjects of semester one to four. Each student has free access to this material on its GURUKPO site .Besides coverage of academic syllabus of subjects prescribed by Rajasthan Technical University Kota, adequate weightage Is being given to development of skills to improve their employability in corporate world .Regular session are being organized for personality development. Every year, BISMA is organizing International Conference /Symposium on a subject of topical importance. Classroom teaching is well supported by various education activities throughout the session.

BISMA is a sought after destination for professional education among students from all over the country with an idyllic setting having a majestic building suitably located in the most eco-friendly environment of one of the best planned locality of Jaipur, a well stocked library and air conditioned computer lab, experienced faculty, an innovative curriculum designed to provide all round education to prepare future business leaders, frequent interaction with practicing managers, building confidence and bringing out creative platforms with well networked placement cell and most modern institution keeping with the time. Another Professional Course run at BISMA is 3 year(6 semester)Master of Computer Applications (MCA).This course was started at BISMA since 2009 at the growing need of Computer Professionals in the corporate world. This course is also recognizes by AICTE ,Govt of Rajasthan and affiliated to RTU Kota.

MBA (Master of Business Administration):

MBA (Master of Business Administration) is a master’s degree in business administration (management). The core courses in an MBA program cover various areas of business such as accounting, applied statistics, business communication, business ethics, business law, finance, managerial economics, management, marketing and operations in a manner most relevant to management analysis and strategy. MBA program at BISMA includes elective courses and concentration for further study in area of Finance, Marketing, Human resources (HR) and Information technology (IT).

MCA (Master of Computer Application):

M.C.A. or Master of Computer Applications is a postgraduate Information Technology course. Computer Application is a use of the computer to solve a specific problem or to accomplish a particular job for an end user. This course is designed to meet up with the demand of qualified professionals in the IT field.


“The surest way not to fail is to be determined to succeed” – Richard Brinsley Sheridan

This adage would be an apt synopsis to the character of the MBA and MCA batch of BISMA. The fire to succeed burns in one and all as they set to conquer the bastions of the corporate fortress. With the endeavor to create an environment where everyone can learn from differences, make individual as well as the group’s potential maximum and contribute to our vision of a business school of diverse dimensions BISMA provide various facilities to students here.


Values and tradition: BISMA is one of a kind institute that not only teaches their students to fly high in the sky but also keep them landed with the values they inculcate in them.

Students: The admission process that the prospective BISMAers have to go through before being selected is rigorous to say the least. The institute makes sure that all the students at BISMA learn to their maximum extent in their 4 semesters and are provided with the best reading material on all subjects of semester one to four.

Curriculum: The academic curriculum is structured to address the needs of the industry and is aligned towards imparting technical and contemporary knowledge to the students. An optimal mix of learning methods ensures a holistic personality development of the students. The curriculum encourages students to apply theoretical learning to real-life scenarios in the form of internships, case studies, research, events, live projects and the likes.

Seminars: Weekly seminars are held in the Institute where eminent leaders from different fields in the Corporate / Social World interact with the students making it a thoroughly enriching experience for them.

GD Sessions: Fortnightly group discussion sessions are carried out. This allows the students to identify their problem areas and then consequently improve. It also allows the student to keep in pace with the latest knowledge and contemporary world.

Capacity Building Lab: The Institute has a dedicated capacity building lab, which enables the students to develop their personality and upgrade their communication and presentation skills.

GuruKPO Web portal: GuruKPO is the fastest growing educational web portal where all kinds of academic information is available free of cost. It is the only web portal in India that comprises of content study material and educational videos.

World class Infrastructure: BISMA provides their students with a sprawling campus where students can pursue their academics with utmost focus and also unwind from time to time in the open campus. The spacious classrooms are well equipped with multimedia projectors. The central library and computer labs cater their needs for academics and research works.

Rich Alumni Base: A network built over        years. As the students walk out of BISMA, they embark upon a journey to put their learning into best practices. The students of yester years look back upon their alma mater as the reason for their success while the institute looks up to them as the reason for its pride and glory.

IT Setup: The computer center has all the modern resources in place to facilitate the academic activities of the Institute. The lab has 95 computers that are Dual Core Processors. There are 24*7 broadband internet facilities available for students & faculty member .A separate lab for Microsoft Office Specialist online examination and one for Tally Certification is also available.


Biyani Institute of Science and Management have always been able to empower the Indian Economy by providing human resources since the year 2006.
The Placements, both for final jobs and Summer Internships is an integral part of the annual calendar of activities of the Placement Department at BISMA. It has a well laid-out and systematic process of dovetailing student’s career aspirations with corporate’s expectations.

The Placement Department at Biyani’s comprises of the Student Committee and the faculty members of each stream of courses offered.
The leading companies from all the sectors are invited on the campus, where the students are facilitated to go through the entire selection process.
We leverage human asset for competitiveness by imparting knowledge, entrepreneurship and providing opportunities to enhance creativity. We truly believe that it is these strengths that would help our students to successfully compete globally and take advantage of the emerging opportunities. The training and placement committee at BISMA has been able to provide 100% placements to students every year in renowned companies in India and abroad.


Second Rank from RTU:

Biyani Institute of science and Management is the fastest growing girls’ college for MBA & MCA. It has been declared BEST College for MANAGEMENT studies in Rajasthan. Biyani Group was honored with the Award of Excellence from Honorable Vice chancellor Rajasthan Technical University on the auspicious occasion of Republic Day on January 26, 2018.


Copyright : Biyani Institute of Science & Management

Prospectus 2018-19