The last date to update or Verify the data for degree is 29 February 2016 for all the Students who have completed their course upto 31 Jan 2016. Contact in the College for Verification. Read more
To further promote financial inclusion, RBI has issued licenses to payment banks. The eligibility criterion for such payment banks were prepaid payment instrument issuers, NBFC’s, corporate... Read more
Govt. of India (Union Power Ministry) has come out with UDAY scheme to help power distribution companies (DISCOMS) as well as banks which have provided loans to such companies. Total loans o... Read more
The government has notified Negotiable Instruments (Amendments) Act 2015 which has allowed complainants to file the complaint in the city where he is based or where the cheque has been depos... Read more
• In order to align the data in memory, one or more empty bytes are inserted or left blank between memory addresses which are allocated for other structure members while memory allocation. T... Read more
A computer virus is a program code that, when executed, replicates itself by inserting copies of itself ( modified copies which can harm the actual program) into other places in computer’s h... Read more
In B2C e-commerce, businesses sell directly a diverse group of products and services to customers. In addition to pure B2C e-commerce players such as, and other tr... Read more
Indexes are special lookup tables that the database search engine can use to speed up data retrieval. Simply put, an index is a pointer to data in a table. An index in a database is very sim... Read more
A honey pot is a computer system on the Internet that is expressly set up to attract and “trap” people who attempt to penetrate other people’s computer systems. Generally,... Read more
Soft Computing differs from conventional (hard) computing in that, unlike hard computing, it is tolerant of imprecision, uncertainty, partial truth, and approximation. In effect, the role mo... Read more