The term “expert system” could be applied to any computer program which is able to draw conclusions and make decisions, based on knowledge, represented as a database, it has. An... Read more
A Database Management System (DMS) is a combination of computer software, hardware, and information designed to electronically manipulate data via computer processing. Two types of database... Read more
Have programs that need to run automatically on your machine and need to auto login and lock your server or computer at startup? Here’s a simple way with the use of a couple free programs. A... Read more
Data mining, the extraction of hidden predictive information from large databases, is a powerful new technology with great potential to help companies focus on the most important information... Read more
Text search and Text mining is an integral part of Business Intelligence. Often text mining is tightly coupled with data mining. Here is an example where a text search for “sugar” led to swe... Read more
IoT (Internet of Things) in catching fire recently. There is excitement in Silicon Valley about this topic. Talks and meet ups are springing everywhere on IoT. What is IoT? First, look aroun... Read more
Crowdsourcing is the process of getting work or funding, usually online, from a crowd of people. The word is a combination of the words ‘crowd’ and ‘outsourcing’. The... Read more
NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology; Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions. In other words, learning... Read more
With the Internet becoming an increasingly significant part of our lives, the dream of a WiFi-enabled city is becoming closer and closer to reality. One of the hindrances to that dream, howe... Read more
Conventional wisdom says that predictive modelers need to have an academic background in statistics, mathematics, computer science, or engineering. A degree in one of these fields is best, b... Read more