Code of Conduct

The college management is providing a CODE OF CONDUCT for lecturers and other members of the staff for the smooth running of the college. Every adverse action / nor compliance of guidelines as well as code of conduct will be conveyed in writing and it will be entered in the service record of teaching/ non-teaching staff.
This code of conduct has been prepared to cover the following areas of work. It may be extended as and when required.

1. Acts of indiscipline and insubordination.

2. Absence from college without leave application.

3. Leaving station without prior information.

4. Coming late to college/ negligence of duties.

5. Giving private tuition without prior permission of the Director Academics.

6. Imparting corporal punishment to students.

7. Smoking or chewing tobacco during duty hours.

8. Not checking of the answer sheets of examination properly, leaving mistakes or total or leaving any answer without checking.

9. Exposing the results of any examination to students or parents / indulging in malpractices connected with exams or college activities.

10. Refusing for the duty of College/ University Examination, Theory, Practical or Noda Evaluation Work.

11. Not covering the syllabus assigned to them at the proper time.

12. Using abusive language with students or any members of the staff.

13. Not able to maintain proper discipline in the class.

14. Not keeping proper rapport with other members of the staff and management.

15. Working in any other institution / office as a part time worker.

16. For absenting themselves during the duty hours without obtaining written permission from the authorities.

17. Not attending to the duties assigned to them without any valid and justified reason.

18. For indulging in activities which tarnish the image of the institution such a misrepresenting the facts to the public.

19. Protesting against the lawful order of the management which does not affect anyone individually.

20. Disrespectful behavior, rumor mongering and character assassination.

21. Making false accusations or assault either provoked or otherwise.

22. Embezzlement of funds or fraud of any type.

23. Mutilation / destruction of college record and property.

24. Carrying on monetary transactions with students and parents.

25. Taking active part in work place politics.

26. Non compliance of above instructions and other rules and regulations of the college.

All the staff members/ faculties are expected to be exemplary in their public and private life. Their loyalty, sense of dedication and integrity of character at all times should be an inspiration of the youth to their care. The lecturer shall attend to his/ her duties with car and commitment, be punctual in attendance and dutiful in respect of class room/work place and also for any other work connected with the duties assigned to him/ her by the higher authorities of the institution.

Copyright : Biyani Institute of Science & Management

Prospectus 2018-19