Entrepreneurship Cell

Biyani Group of Colleges  organized a webinar on “Developing Entrepreneurial Skills” on Wednesday, May 26, 2021 from 12pm to 1pm .

Resource person: Mr. Chintan Bakshi

To become a successful entrepreneur it is essential to develop some specific skills that will help you convert an idea into reality. This session with Mr. Bakshi will cover all the major aspects of being your own boss and owning a startup.

Mr. Bakshi is an alumni from IIT, Delhi and IIM, Bangalore and follows his passion of mentoring budding entrepreneurs. He is the founder of Startup Oasis, a Startup Incubation Center which has helped turn hundreds of ideas into successful business prospects and partner-incubation at CII.CO













The major objectives of the Entrepreneurial Development Cell are to encourage students for “out of the box” thinking and in the longer run establish themselves in the corporate arena as successful entrepreneurs. Following will be the prime objectives of the E-Cell :

  1. To create Entrepreneurial culture in our institution.
  2. To inspire, educate and support the next generation of entrepreneurs
  3. To develop the students into technically and intellectually sound professionally and play a vital role in the growth of the economy.
  4. To develop an institutional mechanism for providing various services to budding entrepreneurs.
  5. Frequent visits to different startup companies in order to boost their belief and help them visualize their prospective.
  6. To organize Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps, Entrepreneurship Development seminars & workshops.
  7. Bridging the gap between ideas of the innovators and portfolio companies, ready to fund those projects.

Half Day session was organized by StartUp Oasis at Biyani Institute of Science & Management . Students learned about what are Startups and How they can come up with Innovative Ideas and Build a real startup company. StartUp Oasis works as an Incubator & Mentor to Startups.


Activities JANUARY – 2018


1 Saturday 1st to 6th January 2018 “Hands on” Winter internships in startups to gather hands on experience
2 Saturday 13th January 2018 ‘Oorja’- Entrepreneurship awareness and domain based seminars

(IT & Science)

E- seminar, videos and Events like Tedx/ NSEF etc with successful entrepreneurs/ businessmen/Industry professionals to bridge the gap between Industry and education


3 Saturday 19th January 2018 Angel Investors Meet

(Third Batch)

Coordination and interaction with potential Angel investors to fund the proposed startups in order to bridge the gap and make the business plan financially viable
4 Monday 22nd  January 2018 ‘Jigyasa’- Mentoring Master minds

(vigorous Mentoring for the selected team to help them make a Minimum Viable Plan(MVP)

(Fourth Batch)

·         E- Summits

·         Interaction with startup owners

·         Visits to new Startups

·         Visit to E-Cell of other colleges

·         Group Discussions and seminars with women entrepreneurs/ investors/ industry professionals

·         Case studies on successful startups


5 Saturday 30th January onwards Startup

(Second Batch)

Reviewing the success and commercial viability of the pilot startup venture (First Batch) with industry experts and suggestions.


February 2018

1 Saturday

4th February 2018

‘Oorja’- Entrepreneurship awareness and domain based seminars

(IT & Science)

E- seminar, videos and Events like Tedx/ NSEF etc with successful entrepreneurs/ businessmen/Industry professionals to bridge the gap between Industry and education


2 10th to 16th February 2018 Bright Idea to Bright Future- Development of B- plan

(Fourth Batch)

The selected team will again face a tough competition in presentation of Business Plan, a document containing complete SWOT analysis, creation of a prototype, scaling and financial viability of the idea to make it a prospective startup
3 Monday

20th February 2018

Startup venture review

(Second Batch)

Reviewing the success and commercial viability of the pilot startup venture (First Batch) with industry experts and suggestions.

23 to 28th February 2018

‘Srajan’- Idea Diffusion

(Fifth Batch)

Competitions to channelize the ignited minds in creation of innovative startup ideas. 10 ideas will be selected through presentation competition


March 2018

1 Saturday

4th March 2018

‘Oorja’- Entrepreneurship awareness and domain based seminars

(IT & Science)

E- seminar, videos and Events like Tedx/ NSEF etc with successful entrepreneurs/ businessmen/Industry professionals to bridge the gap between Industry and education


2 Saturday

11th March 2018

‘Jigyasa’- Mentoring Master minds

(vigorous Mentoring for the selected team to help them make a Minimum Viable Plan(MVP)

(Fifth Batch)

·         E- Summits

·         Interaction with startup owners

·         Visits to new Startups

·         Visit to E-Cell of other colleges

·         Group Discussions and seminars with women entrepreneurs/ investors/ industry professionals

·         Case studies on successful startups


2 Friday

24th March 2018

Angel Investors Meet

(Fourth Batch)

Coordination and interaction with potential Angel investors to fund the proposed startups in order to bridge the gap and make the business plan financially viable


Copyright : Biyani Institute of Science & Management

Prospectus 2018-19