Research & Publication


Dr. Sanjay Biyani
View Profile
YOU CAN SUCCEED – The Success Mantras (Volume – 1)

ISBN No. 978-93-5087-966-5

YOU CAN SUCCEED – The Success Mantras (Volume – 2)

ISBN No. 978-93-5087-968-9

Magic Cards

ISBN No. 978-93-5087-967-2

How to Strengthen Mind Through Positivity
ISBN No. 978-93-83343-05-8
Fundamentals of Accounting
Practical Problems in Accountancy
Easy Approach to Income Tax
Easy Approach to Auditing
Advanced Accountancy
Practical Advanced Accountancy
Business Economics
Business Statistics
Management Accounting-I
Management Accounting
Managerial Economics
Accounting Standard
MIS in Educational Institutions
Mindset and Enthusiasm (Forthcoming books)
In addition to this, our esteemed Director has contributed many articles to Journal of The chartered Accountants Practice.
Training Modules and Books
Prof. B.K. jain
Concurrent Audit in Urban Cooperative Banks
Profitability in Urban Cooperative Banks
Gradation System in Urban Cooperative Banks
Responsibilities of Board of Directors in Urban Cooperative Banks
CAMELs Rating in Urban Cooperative Banks
Returns to Be Submitted by Urban Cooperative Banks to RBI and other Bodies
He has Contributed more than 20 Articles in National Level Journal


1. Computer Architecture
Author : Shweta Nigam & Namarta Mehta
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-24-5
This Subject includes topics like:-
Combinational Circuits, sequential circuit, Register, I/O Interface, Instruction and Addressing etc.
2. Web Technology
Author : Nitasha Jain
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-33-7
This Subject includes topics like:-
This Subject includes topics like:- HTML with Tags & Attribute, Jawa Script, DHTML, PHP, ODBC Connectivity etc.
3. Database Management System
Author : Nandini Parwal
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-25-2
This Subject includes topics like:-
Overview of DBMS, Architecture of DBMS, Introduction to Data Models, Entity Relationship Model, Normalization etc.
4. E-Commerece
Author : Kritika Saxena
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-40-5
This Subject includes topics like:-
This Subject includes topics like:- Introduction of E-Commerce
E-Commerce Model, Electronic Payment Systems, E- Marketing, Security Issues in E-Commerce etc.
5.Discrete Maths
Author : Alap Mukherjee &
Kalpana Kumawat
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-27-6
This Subject includes topics like:-
Formal Logic and Propositional Calculus, Sets and Relations, Graph Theory, Group, Finite State and Machines Languages etc.
6. Programming in C
Author : Ms. Neha Jain
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-26-9
This Subject includes topics like:-
Overview of C, Functions, Arrays, Storage Classes, Pointers etc.
7. Computer Oriented Numerical Methods
Author : Alap Mukherjee &
Poonam Fatehpuria
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-28-3
This Subject includes topics like:-
Newton Rapson Method, Gauss Scidal Method, Interpolation Methods, Integrations (Simpson) Method & Rangaakuta Method etc.
8. Programming in Java
Author : Mr. Dhanesh
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-29-0
This Subject includes topics like:-
This Subject includes topics like:- Servlets, Java Beans, String, Applet, Package, Interfaces etc
9. Data Communication Network
Author : Ms . Jyoti
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-31-3
This Subject includes topics like:-
Data Communication,
Network Protocol (OSI Model), Networking Technologies, Network Switching, Network Management & Network Security etc.
10. Java Technologies
Author : Ms. Ritu
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-32-0
This Subject includes topics like:-
Java Technologies, Database Management, Object Oriented Programming & Computer Science etc.
11. Advanced Database system
Author : Mr. Ajay
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-35-1
This Subject includes topics like:-
Object-based Databases, Distributed Databases, Parallel Databases, Deductive Databases, Information Retrieval and XML Data and PL/SQL basics etc.
12. System Analysis & Design
Author : Ms. Ujjwala
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-36-8
This Subject includes topics like:-
System Development Life Cycle, Systems Planning and Initial Investigation. Information Gathering, Tools of Structured Analysis, Feasibility Study, Input Output and Forms Design & Documentation etc.
13. .Net frame work & Programming in ASP.Net
Author : Ms. Deepti
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-38-2
This Subject includes topics like:-
Introduction to .NET Framework, Basics of ASP. NET, Advanced ASP .NET , Building Web Services, Ado .NET etc.
14. Artificial Intelligence
Author : Ms. Sonia Bhargava
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-39-9
This Subject includes topics like:-
This Subject includes topics like:- Problem solving & Search techniques, Knowledge representation, Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Expert System etc.
15. Object Oriented Software Engineering
Author : Ms. Kritika
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-41-2
This Subject includes topics like:-
Introduction to Object Oriented Software Engineering, Advanced Structured Modeling, Object Oriented Concepts and Project Management, Object :- Oriented design and testing and Advanced Topic in S/W engineering etc.
16. Wireless Technologies
Author : Ms. Sonia
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-43-6
This Subject includes topics like:-
Wireless Communication Fundamentals, : Telecommunication Networks/System, Wireless Lan, Ad-Hoc Networks And Support For Mobility etc.
17. ERP System
Author : Ms. Ekta
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-44-3
This Subject includes topics like:-
Introduction to ERP & Related Technologies, Life Cycle of ERP, Framework Architecture of ERP, Success, Failure & Improvement in ERP and ERP Technologies etc.
18. Operating System
Author : Ms. Poonam Sharma
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-30-6
This Subject includes topics like:-
Introduction to Operating System, Process Management, Process synchronization and deadlocks, Primary memory management, Secondary storage management and Protection and security etc.
19. Computer Graphics
Author : Mr Gajendra Sharma
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-34-4
This Subject includes topics like:-
Output Primitives, Two Dimensional Concepts Clipping Algorithm, Three dimensional concepts, Computer Animations etc.
20. Software Engineering
Author : Ms. Madhu Sharma
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-37-5
This Subject includes topics like:-
Software Process Models, Project Management, Software Requirements Analysis, Requirement Engineering Process, Software System Specifications, Software Metrics and Measures, Application Systems and Design Issues, Software Development Methods and Reuse, Quality Management and Process Improvement and Measurement etc.
21. Analysis Design & Algorithm
Author : Ms Rashmi Sharma
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-42-9
This Subject includes topics like:-
Introduction of Algorithm, Elementary Data Structure, Divide and Conquer, Graph Algorithm, Greedy Algorithm and Dynamic Programming etc.


1. Principles and Practice of Management
Author : Naveen Kour & Richa Khunteta
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-81254-73-8
This Subject includes topics like:-
Management an Overview , Fundamentals of Planning, Fundamentals of Organizing, Direction & Control etc.
2. Organizational Behaviour
Author : Shalini Singh &
Surbhi Mathur
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-00-9
This Subject includes topics like:-
Motivation, Communication, Group Behaviour, Conflict and stress Management etc.
3. Managerial Economics
Author : Swati Shastri &
Nikita Kangoo
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-81254-74-5
This Subject includes topics like:-
Meaning and Scope of Managerial Economics, Supply Demand and Analysis, Theory of Firm, Elasticity of Demand & Break Even Analysis etc.
4. Computer Application in Management
Author : Rachna Khandelwal
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-04-7
This Subject includes topics like:-
Data representation and application, Software, Window, Ms Office And It’s Application, IT Outsourcing and Networking & Data Base Management System etc.
5. Human Resource Management
Author : Richa Khuntela (MBA) & Surbhi Mathur
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-05-4
This Subject includes topics like:-
This Subject includes topics like:- Job Design and Job Analysis, Training and Development , Performance Measurement and Performance Appraisal, Leadership and Grievance & Discipline etc.
6. Financial Management
Author : B.K. Jain (M.Com.(Business Adm.)
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-06-1
This Subject includes topics like:-
Objectives of financial Management , Risk and Return, Management of working capital, Investment decisions & Financing decisions etc.
7. Management Accounting -II
Author : B.N. Gaur (B.Com, MBA, PGDBM)
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-07-8
This Subject includes topics like:-
Costing , Cost Accounting, Cost Control, Kizen Costing System, CVP Analysis/Loss & spoilage, Oligopoly/ Budget/Budgetary control, Sunk Cost etc.
8. Research Methods in Management
Author : Swati Shastri
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-08-5
This Subject includes topics like:-
This Subject includes topics like:- Meaning and process of Research, Motivational Research , Data Collection, Presentation of Data, Analysis of Data and Bibliography and Report writing etc.
9. Management of Financial Services
Author : B.K. Jain ( M.Com. (Business Adm.)
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-81254-75-2
This Subject includes topics like:-
Introduction To Financial Services marketing , Merchant Banking, Capital Markets: Govt. Security Market, Money Market etc.
10. Finance for Strategic Decisions
Author : B.K. Jain ( M.Com. (Business Adm.)
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-81254-76-9
This Subject includes topics like:-
An overview of the Financial System, Financial institutions and economic development, Financial Markets and Instruments, Concept of strategic decisions & Analysis of enterprise etc.
11. Management Accounting -1
Author : Varsha Sharma
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-01-6
This Subject includes topics like:-
Introduction of Management Accounting, Preparation of Final Accounts , Ratio Analysis, Cash Flow Analysis, Fund Flow Analysis and Marginal Costing, Cost volume & Profit Analysis etc.
12. Marketing Management
Author : Megha Maheshwari
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-02-3
This Subject includes topics like:-
Nature and Scope of Marketing, Different type of strategies, Challenges in Rural Market, Product Life Cycle and NPD Process etc.
13. Business Environment
Author : Richa Khuntela & Dr. Tripty Vijaywagria
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-03-0
This Subject includes topics like:-
Business Environment, External Environment, Economic Environment, Political Environment & Social Responsibility of Business etc.
14. Financial Derivatives
Author : Anamika sharma
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-18-4
This Subject includes topics like:-
Definition of Derivative Securities, Market Characteristics, Derivatives Pricing Theory, Risk Analysis and Management and Options and Futures Applications In India etc.
15. Banking Service Operations
Author : B.K. Jain ( M.Com. (Business Adm.)
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-19-1
This Subject includes topics like:-
Securitization , NABARD, Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR), Agencies for Rural credits, RTGS System etc.
16. Business Ethics and Ethos
Author : Moh. Ellias &
Richa Khunteata
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-20-7
This Subject includes topics like:-
Business Ethics & Ethos , Gandhian approach in Management & Trusteeship, Indian Ethos etc
17. Project Management
Author : Rachna Khandelwal
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-21-4
This Subject includes topics like:-
Introduction to Project Management , Project Feasibility Study, Project planning , Project Scheduling and PERT,CPM And Network Techniques etc.
18. Business Law
Author : P.C. Jangir
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-81254-80-6
This Subject includes topics like:-
Meaning and Essentials of Contact, Proposal and Acceptance, Capacity to Contract , Free Consant , Consideration , Void Agreement, Remedies for Breach of Contract, Indemnity and Guarantee and Nature of Negotiable Instruments etc.
19. Advertising Management
Author : Megha Maheshwari
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-81254-77-6
This Subject includes topics like:-
Introduction of marketing communications & advertising, Marketing Communication Planning, Advertising Objectives & Planning, Media Planning & Promotion etc.
20. International Marketing
Author : Shashi Gurjar
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-12-2
This Subject includes topics like:-
International Market Environment, Understanding customer buying behavior, International Product Management, Distribution & Logistics, Evaluating & Controlling etc.
21. Product and Brand Management
Author : Neetu
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-81254-78-3
This Subject includes topics like:-
Introduction to Product Management and market management, Understanding product manager’s role and nature of markets, Introduction to Brand Management and Crafting of Brand Elements and Brand as a Concept etc.
22. Marketing of Service
Author : Shikha Ajmera &
Prity Birla
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-22-1
This Subject includes topics like:-
Services Marketing, The Services Triangle, Internal Marketing , External Marketing Interactive Marketing Consumer Behavior Consumer Expectation etc.
23. Training and Development
Author : Pragya Mathur &
Megha Maheshwari
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-14-6
This Subject includes topics like:-
Introduction to Training & Development , Performance Appraisal, Evaluation of Training, Training Methods and Techniques etc.
24. Human Resources Planning and Development
Author : Megha Maheshwari &
Surbhi Mathur
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-16-0
This Subject includes topics like:-
Introduction to Human Resources Planning, HR Planning & Corporate strategies, Job Analysis, HR Forecasting, Career Planning and Succession Management etc.
25. Employment Laws
Author : Surbhi Mathur
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-81254-79-0
This Subject includes topics like:-
Trade Union Act -1926 & Industrial Dispute Act-1947, The Payment of Bonus Act 1965, Employee Provident Fund Act 1952, Workman’s Compensation Act 1923, Employee State Insurance Act 1948 etc.
26. Performance Management & Retention Strategies
Author : Ms. Megha Maheswari
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-23-8
This Subject includes topics like:-
Performance Appraisal, Behavioral Performance Management, Potential Appraisal & HRD, Performance Planning & Measuring Performance etc.
27. Security Analysis & Portfolio Mgmt
Author : Sandhu &
Varsha Sharma
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-09-2
This Subject includes topics like:-
Investment Scenario & Security Markets, Risk and Return, Introduction to portfolio management and Economic analysis etc.
28. Business Policy & Strategic Management
Author : Dr Tripty
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-11-5
This Subject includes topics like:-
Introduction , Top management perspective, Analyzing business environment, Identifying alternative strategies and Competitive strategy and competitive advantage etc.
29. Sales & Distribution Management
Author : Ms. Richa Khuteta
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-13-9
This Subject includes topics like:-
Sales Management, Planning the Sales Effort, Organizing and Directing the sales Force, Distribution Management& Channel Institutions & control etc.
30. Strategic Human Resource Management
Author : Prity Birla
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-15-3
This Subject includes topics like:-
HR strategy and Practices , Aligning HR Systems with Business Strategy, HR Strategies in Workforce Utilization, Evaluating HR Function, HR Score Cards etc.
31. Leadership Skills & Change Management
Author : Meera Sharma &
Ankita Nyati
(Biyani International Institute of Science & Management)
ISBN : 978-93-82801-17-7
This Subject includes topics like:-
The Nature and Importance of Leadership, Effective Leadership Behavior and Attitudes, Leadership styles, Developing Teamwork and Understanding Change etc.


Copyright : Biyani Institute of Science & Management

Prospectus 2018-19