Vision and Mission

Quality Policy
To provide quality education through faculty development, update of facilities and continuous improvement meeting university norms and keeping stake holders satisfied

Student Oath

I, the student of Biyani Group of Colleges, solemnly pledge with full determination and conviction that:

  • I will focus on acquiring knowledge and skills.
  • I will abide by the disciplinary rules and adhere to the principles of truth and integrity.
  • I will love my peers and pay respect and show gratitude towards my teachers, parents & mentors.
  • I will strive hard to fulfill the aspirations of my parents.
  • I will blend modernity with traditional values to become a successful and devoted citizen, student and individual.
  • I will live each day by honoring my parents & my teachers practicing to the best of my ability and by having courtesy and respect to everyone I meet.
  • I will update myself with the technological advancements to meet the Industrial demands.
  • I feel proud to be a Biyanite.


Copyright : Biyani Institute of Science & Management

Prospectus 2018-19