Oracle with Linux, Commands
Command for creating a new user in oracle :
TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp QUOTA 50M ON <>; In oracle users can be created by the above syntax ,but before creating a new user one have to create table space .
Table space : Space which is obtained by tables for particular user.
Syntax for creating TableSpace : CREATE TABLESPACE <> DATAFILE ‘diskb:tbs_<>.dat’ SIZE 50M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 50M MAXSIZE 100M;
Now your table space and user space is defined. while connecting your user-name is name of user which you have given in create user command and default password is also same as user- name.
Now you have to give some permissions to the new user : GRANT create session TO <>;
GRANT create table TO <>;
GRANT create view TO <>;
Now if you want to delete the existing user , the command is :
and if you to delete the user including all its table-space and data files :
firstly drop the user : DROP USER <> CASCADE;
Now after droping user for each including table-space you have to take the table-space offline and then drop it.
ALTER TABLESPACE <> OFFLINE; DROP TABLESPACE <> INCLUDING CONTENTS;Now the user and all of its table -spaces are deleted. and the space assigned to them are free to be re-used.