In your daily life if you suspect that somebody can access your computer in your absence then there is a way by which you can track that who accessed your computer behind you and what work has been done by him.
Sometimes we apply password to protect our pc but this cannot work all the time once any person who can access your PC can know everything about you and can login by using your accounts so all I want to track the PC and record all work done on it. This should be keep safe every time when computer is login so what we have to do is use some useful software towards this.
Best way to know about is by taking photos, for this iSpy is the best way, one can download this through in free. It is motion detector whenever any movement is detected it will be recorded by ispy. This captured media will be compressed and recorded into mp4 format. This function is runs on any computer and many alerting function Webcam should be used for using this which takes pictures or screenshot of users after doing some initial settings and alert the user by any media like SMS,calls.
TimeSnapper:- it is also used to track your computer. TimeSnapper runs in the background of your computer, taking screenshots of your desktop every few seconds all over week like a weekly movie this tool doesn’t any remembering mechanism. This tool will take screenshots after 10 seconds. One can download free trial version of it.
in control panel of PC there is a option “LOGs” where you can see all the recent activity done in your computer also you can see that whether any user successfully logged on into computer or he made attempts to do it this is inbuilt feature provided by window to check all current activity ran on that PC.

How to track your own computer.
Shobhana garg