If you are searching on web then you sometimes find useful content that you may wants to watch later for this purpose we use bookmark where a bookmark is a uniform resource identifier that i... Read more
Many of us use mobile phones to communicate with one another at work, at home or for our convenience from just about anywhere we are! We can call mobile as a part of our life. Even according... Read more
Day by day emerging technologies are making are life much easier. Invention of mobile phones has changed the life of the people rapidly. Their are many advancement in the mobile phones are m... Read more
Description: Endoscopy is a method or process to inspect the internal organs like stomach and gastro intestinal test of the body. It works on the principle of fiber optic communication by us... Read more
Description: A scar is defined as the residual visible mark of a wound. Almost all the wounds result in scars.a wound becomes a scar at the time that it is epithelialised. In the early stage... Read more
The process by which an egg is fertilized by sperm outside the body in glass is known as in vitro fertilization. In this process ovum or ova (egg or eggs) removed from the woman’s ovar... Read more
1) Internet Explorer – a default Web Browser in Windows by Microsoft we all have been using since 1995 until other browsers came into light like GoogleChrome or Mozilla Firefox. 2) Till IE 1... Read more
1) Google has given gift to its YouTube users or music lovers to watch videos offline when no Internet or Low speed of Internet is available especially to INDIAN users as well asin Indonesia... Read more
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! Read more