The Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network, or VANET, is a technology that uses moves cars as nodes in a network to create a mobile network. VANET turns every participating car into a wireless router or n... Read more
Definition – CPU scheduling is a process which allows one process to use the CPU while the execution of another process is on hold(in waiting state) due to unavailability of any resour... Read more
In your first C program, you are going to understand the following things in your program- 1. a pre-processor directive that must be present in all your C programs. 2. a simple C function us... Read more
1) Exploratory or formative or preparatory Research – Areas covered about which no information is available currently. No research has been undertaken so far on the subject under study... Read more
1) Formulating the Research problem – Based on area of interest identify the problem. After discussing with colleagues & seniors so as to avoid repetition. After consulting a... Read more
A model is defined as a representation of real life system whether such system refers to a problem, process, operations or events. Models enable us to experiments more effectively than on th... Read more
Step 1 – Definition and Identification of problem – It is impossible to obtain ‘Right answers from wrong problem’. In formulating the problem, objectives, alternative... Read more
As the name suggests, wireless networks, sometimes called WiFi, allow you to connect to the internet without relying on wires. If your home, office, airport, or even local coffee shop has a... Read more
It seems that everything relies on computers and the internet now — communication (email, cellphones), entertainment (digital cable, mp3s), transportation (car engine systems, airplane navig... Read more
Internet is so accessible and contains a wealth of information; it has become a popular resource for communicating, for researching topics, and for finding information about people. It may s... Read more