If you are searching on web then you sometimes find useful content that you may wants to watch later for this purpose we use bookmark where a bookmark is a uniform resource identifier that is used for later retrieval any saved web pages .this is included in all current browsers it is also called internet shortcut in other browsers. In general it can be done by using some steps like- first open a website or a web page that you would like to bookmark then go to left most setting icon like in google chrome and select “bookmark this page” option. This page can be open anytime by going simply on bookmark menu on menu bar.
Now the problem is we can’t view this web page on any another PC because this feature is limited for only one PC so what to do for resolving this problem, the solution is available here:-
Open a webpage with a link https://getpocket.com/. It is called virtual pocket and is the best another way to save your web pages on the web. In this once a page is saved here in this virtual pocket can be view later on any machine. We just have to login by using any of existing account after this you will find pocket button on every page that you are browsing and can make any content pocket by a single click. You can view this content anytime on any machine or PC. Getpocket feature can also access by third party app installation on PC or mobile also and also by emailing link on this getpocket site given above. this feature works well on google chrome ,safari and firefox extension So by using all these ways a virtual bookmark can be created where you can access your saved pages anywhere.
Save your favorite Content on Web.
Shobhana garg